The Northeastern Workforce Development Board is here for your business! We want to help Northeastern NC employers with their workforce needs. If your business struggles to find qualified applicants for openings, experiences turnover issues, or has general concerns about how to grow and compete in a global economy, please reach out to NWDB today.

Looking for a way to truly validate the skills of applicants?

Two of the pillar programs of the Business Services department of NWDB are our Employee Training and On-the-Job Training grants. Find more resources about these programs below:

Our efforts are successful because of our partnerships with the other 22 workforce boards of the state, the Economic Development Partnership of NC, Vocational Rehabilitation offices, local Chambers of Commerce and Economic Developers, the Career and Technical Education departments of our K-12 school systems, our Customized Training departments at Community Colleges, the NCSU Industrial Expansion Solutions organization, and others committed to assisting businesses throughout the region.