Having the right information to make decisions and develop workforce strategies is a key to your success. As part of our services to business, economic development and educational communities, we provide labor market analysis, comprehensive economic forecasting and economic impact data acquired through Lightcast, a web based subscription program. Data comes from nearly 90 Federal, State and Local government sources and is updated on a quarterly basis.
These services include:
- Economic Forecasting reports – provides current statistics and 10-year projections for the growth and decline of jobs by industry, jobs by occupation and demographics for a selected county or region, in addition to current unemployment data.
- Economic Impact reports – input-output modeling, easy-to-use analysis of industries, industry clusters and regional economic base. This is a critical tool used for understanding a region’s current economy and planning for future economic challenges and opportunities.
- Wage data by industry and occupation for a selected county or region.
- Import and Export data
- Educational Attainment data
What areas/regions does this data report cover?
32 Counties including the Northeast Prosperity Zone & Southeast VA
NWDB’s Sample Labor Market Information
If you are interested in a specific report, email your request to:
Amber Morse
Assistant Director
Northeastern Workforce Development Board
(252) 404-7089